This is a quick and dirty guide to install Compiz, Emerald and
Fusion-icon on Kubuntu Gutsy, based on my own experience. The guide
works for Intel graphic cards (855GM mine) and, I think, with the
proper configuration of xorg.conf and drivers works with other graphic
cards as well.
See this thread to find a proper xorg.conf for your card (if is posted):
The guide is based on Kubuntu (KDE env) upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy with 3rd party repositories on Feisty side (for instance Trevino repos for Compiz), but even in a clean installation worth a try in case of issues with Compiz.
Please be sure to have enabled *only* official Ubuntu repositories and to have enabled all of them (universe, multiverse, etc..).
Let's start.
1) The cleaning part (can be omitted by the users with a clean install and no 3rd party repository and/or scripts)
Clean apt
Remove all Compiz/Emerald
Update the slocate database (it takes a while)
Save your actual settings of Compiz in your Home dir (not mandatory)
Remove one-by-one all the occourences of Compiz/Emerald left on your box, here how to find them.
For Compiz:
For ccsm:
For Emerald:
After the deletion of files/directories above we have a really clean box and we are ready for the second part.
2) The installation part
Install the official packages
Install the Fusion-icon launcher (not provided by Ubuntu repositories)
Be sure to have essential packages for compilation
Download and save on your desktop this version of Fusion-icon
Then install it:
*NOTE*: this is not the last version of Fusion-icon, but is the
one that works with kwin (or at least the one that I was able to make
it works)
Install at least one theme for Emerald (the package emerald-themes is not provided by Ubuntu repositories)
Go here and choose one or more:
Or choose one of my favorites 
Save a theme package on your desktop
3) The configuration part
Launch the Fusion-icon
Press enter twice in the console.
The Fusion-icon launcher will be appear in the tray next to clock, right click on it and choose "Emerald Theme Manager", then click Import button, point to the theme file saved on the desktop and close.
Right click again on Fusion-icon, choose "Select window decorator" and thick on Emerald
Anyway, the Fusion-icon is pretty clear and will restart automatically to the next boot
Save your new settings of Compiz and switch back your original one (if needed, maybe after a test) *not mandatory*
Now you can delete
fusion-icon/ dir and Emerald theme package from your desktop
That's it. Hope it helps.
In order to disable annoyances with OpenOffice and Emerald/Compiz (windows out of screen and menu flickering) do a right click on Fusion-icon and choose Settings Manager, go to Utility section, enable the Workarounds plugin and in the Workarounds general tab unthick "Legacy Fullscreen Support" and enable all other options.
Consider to use as configuration file the flat-file option (instead of KDE Configuration Backend)
CCSM -> Preferences -> Backend -> Flat-file Configuration Backend
See this thread to find a proper xorg.conf for your card (if is posted):
The guide is based on Kubuntu (KDE env) upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy with 3rd party repositories on Feisty side (for instance Trevino repos for Compiz), but even in a clean installation worth a try in case of issues with Compiz.
Please be sure to have enabled *only* official Ubuntu repositories and to have enabled all of them (universe, multiverse, etc..).
Let's start.
1) The cleaning part (can be omitted by the users with a clean install and no 3rd party repository and/or scripts)
Clean apt
sudo apt-get clean
sudo aptitude purge ~ncompiz ~nlibdecoration
sudo updatedb
cp ~/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini ~/
For Compiz:
locate compiz |more
locate ccsm |more
locate emerald |more
2) The installation part
Install the official packages
sudo apt-get install compiz-bcop compiz-core compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-kde compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager emerald libcompizconfig-backend-kconfig libcompizconfig0 libdecoration0 libemeraldengine0 python-compizconfig librsvg2-common
Be sure to have essential packages for compilation
sudo apt-get install build-essential
cd ~/Desktop
tar xvfz fusion-icon-b3217b36e92fd76b39310de98a9c983923a7464a.tar.gz
cd fusion-icon/
sudo make install
Install at least one theme for Emerald (the package emerald-themes is not provided by Ubuntu repositories)
Go here and choose one or more:

3) The configuration part
Launch the Fusion-icon
fusion-icon &
The Fusion-icon launcher will be appear in the tray next to clock, right click on it and choose "Emerald Theme Manager", then click Import button, point to the theme file saved on the desktop and close.
Right click again on Fusion-icon, choose "Select window decorator" and thick on Emerald
Anyway, the Fusion-icon is pretty clear and will restart automatically to the next boot
Save your new settings of Compiz and switch back your original one (if needed, maybe after a test) *not mandatory*
cp ~/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini ~/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini.original
cp ~/Default.ini ~/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini
That's it. Hope it helps.
In order to disable annoyances with OpenOffice and Emerald/Compiz (windows out of screen and menu flickering) do a right click on Fusion-icon and choose Settings Manager, go to Utility section, enable the Workarounds plugin and in the Workarounds general tab unthick "Legacy Fullscreen Support" and enable all other options.
Consider to use as configuration file the flat-file option (instead of KDE Configuration Backend)
CCSM -> Preferences -> Backend -> Flat-file Configuration Backend
Ubuntu Gutsy and Emerald !
Emerald is a replacement for metacity using compiz fusion, here’s an example:
For this to work, first install emerald (and svn for themes):
# sudo apt-get install emerald subversion
How you can download the themes, however the current svn for GPL’d themes seems to not work, here’s another way to install those:
# cd ~/.emerald/themes
#svn checkout http://svn.beryl- \project. org/beryl/ trunk/emerald- themes- repo
&& for theme in emerald-themes- repo/*. emerald ; do dir=`basename “$theme” \
.emerald`; mkdir $dir ; tar xzf $theme -C ${dir}/ ; done
For the non GPL’d Themes, simply dl them from inside the Emerald GUI.
To replace metacity with emerald, run:
# emerald --replace
For emerald settings, run:
# emerald-theme-manager
Enjoy !'Study > Linux' 카테고리의 다른 글
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